Sunday, January 27, 2008

Faith and the Open Road

Before we left our home territory to start this adventure of traveling, we were quite committed and involved in our local church, Switzerland Community Church. We also have endeavored to live our lives for our Lord Jesus Christ and our Father God. We wondered if we would be able to continue to worship and serve as we traveled. We set a commitment to attend church on Sunday, wherever we were. Of course, the greatest opportunities for connection with the Body of Christ are when we are sitting still for awhile so that we can attend a church on a regular basis. As you study God's Word together and worship together,pray and fellowship together...that is when you REALLY connect with brothers and sisters in Christ. As we have traveled we have attended many different churches, large ones, small ones, very traditional, very contemporary, denominational, non-denonminational. Our main criteria is that the church we attend is solid in it's doctrine...God the Creator, the Trinity, Christ as crucified, risen, returning Redeemer, the Bible as God's holy word, baptism as a symbol of our faith in Christ, local and world missions outreach...all those things that we see as lifeblood of the Body of Christ found in the local church.
We have been blessed to have attended some truly God-directed churches. To date (end of 2007), we have spent time with two wonderful churches, getting to know and love the folks along side of whom we have studied, laughed, prayed and worshiped.
In 2006, while workamping on Lake Vallecito in Colorado, we attended Vallecito Church, a small mission church on the shore of that beautiful lake. We found the folks there to be most kind and welcoming. The preaching from Pastor Dave Guy was first rate and challenging. The fellowship was warm and fun. Lasting friendships were made here and whether we return to Vallecito or not, we know we will see these dear ones again..."when we all get to heaven"!
In 2007, we found our way the very first Sunday to Centerpoint Church in Pagosa Springs. We immediately started attending their Sunday school and thoroughly enjoyed getting to know our teacher, Byron Dobbs and his lovely wife Pat. Sunday school came just before the worship service so we stayed and enjoyed the lively music/worship experience. The pastor, Dan Sanders, was a solid Bible teacher and each week, we took something home to ponder from God's Word. Again this was a church filled with solid, warm, kind people and we were blessed to be able to worship with them for a season.
For anyone who is considering full-timing, we would challenge you to do what we did and find a good, Bible-teaching church for your Sundays. It honors God and will bless your heart.

The pictures I have posted are of Marlow United Methodist in Summerdale, Alabama, Vallecito Church, Vallecito Lake, (Bayfield) Colorado, and Centerpoint Church in Pagosa Springs, Colorado.

A partial list of some of the houses of worship where we attended: First Baptist of Thomasville, GA, Life Church of Covington, LA, First Baptist of Mandeville, LA, First Baptist of Livingston, TX, First Baptist of Red Bay, AL, First United Methodist of Durango, CO, Pine Valley Church, Bayfield, CO, Centennial Community Church, Centennial, CO, Faith Community Fellowship, Littleton, CO and Marlow United Methodist in Summerdale, AL.

The Road Runners
Buddy & Elaine
1st Thess. 5:18


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